Terms of use of Imgpan service

What cannot be uploaded to Imgpan servers:

  • Copyrighted images if you don't own copyright for it
  • Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization
  • Any other images that might be considered illegal in USA or EU countries

If you are not sure whether image you want to upload is allowed then do not upload the image. All uploaded images are checked by staff and images that violate terms will be removed without warning and uploader of such images might be banned from website.

在任何預覽上 點擊 自訂上傳
在任何預覽上 觸摸 自訂上傳
您也可以 從電腦內選擇
您也可以 從您的設備瀏覽截圖
上傳中 0 文件 (0% 完成)
佇列上傳中. 需要一點時間來完成
上傳的內容已經添加到 您已經可以使用剛剛上傳的創建新的 相簿
您已經可以使用剛剛上傳的創建新的 相簿 您必須 建立新帳號登入 才能將此內容保存到您的帳戶中。
    注意:部分文件無法上傳。 了解更多
    檢查 錯誤報告 來了解更多訊息.